Author Archives: admin

In most cases, an employee is a person who receives a guaranteed income, and the risks involved are less compared to those of an entrepreneur. However, an entrepreneur has many opportunities to grow in all dimensions in their career. Below are some of the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur vs. an employee. Read on!  Pros of being an entrepreneur  • Career growth  Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in driving one’s passion for fulling one’s dream resulting in career growth.  • Independent  Entrepreneur has the freedom to make their own decisions because no boss is there to monitor them.   • Flexible working hours  Entrepreneurs manage their own time and can work for the hours they want because they are their boss.   • Liability to earn  Entrepreneurship provides an opportunity to grow economically by giving an individual a chance to make as much money as possible.  Cons   • Huge investments are needed.  For one to start and stabilize their own business, huge investments are…

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Life insurance is one of the best things you can ever get when you’re working. The benefit of getting life insurance is that it makes you prepare for whatever that may happen in your life such as illness, retirement, hospitalization, and death. When you engage the best insurance broker Calgary, you will get yourself the best life insurance coverage.  Life insurance protects your family and helps you leave a good amount of non-taxable money in case you die. What’s more, you can use life insurance to cover a mortgage or personal loans like car loans. It really comes in handy especially, when you retire and you’re not working anymore.  Here are some of the reasons you should get life insurance when you’re working.  1. It Offers Tax Benefits  While working, your salary is normally taxed like other working people. However, when you get life insurance, this tends to change and…

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Having a value in a company or organization makes you one of the sought-after people. Every employee strives to have value in a company because it enables you to not only make an impact, but also ranked among the most prominent people therein.  If you feel like you still lack a bit of value as an employee, there are several ways that you can change that effectively. Check out these ways below.  1. Help Your Company Improve Positively  One of the notable ways to become valuable to a company is to help it make more money. That means you need to be part of the company’s bottom line. It is crucial to note that a company measures its return on investment (ROI) on you. Therefore, you need to measure the ROI on yourself as well and use your skills effectively to help the company achieve its goal. This is what…

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Regardless of the industry you are in, embracing some fun when working has numerous benefits. William Fry, a psychiatrist, has it that having fun lowers the cortisol hormones, which result in the reduction of stress to an individual. However demanding your position is, staying on your desk with a gloomy face will not help you finish the task. Amidst all the hustles, having fun at work has proven to have numerous benefits. In this article, we discuss some of the reason why having fun at work is important.  1. It is a booster for creativity.  Fun at work keeps your employees happy, enthusiastic, and energetic. They are ready to learn at any point. Just as children will learn more when playing, so do adults. Adults seem to thrive and put their skills at work in a more relaxed environment. Brainstorm on problem-solving questions during tea breaks and have the team air their…

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“No knowledge of self means no spiritual health” Chaka Dillon El What is Moorish Renaissance? Technically speaking, it’s a music Cd that was written to address major issue’s that are being faced with the “Moorish Muslims” today. However, this is more than that, it’s a call to action for the American inter-city and to the African-American people. I dare say that’s it’s even more than that, it’s a call to action to ALL people, calling us out on issue’s that we would rather pretend don’t exist in America today. This is technically a music cd but actually it’s the beginning of a movement to wake people up to the fact that if we’re going to change anything then it starts with us. This movement encourages us to stop talking about all the things we “want” to do and to shut up and start doing them! It talks about our children and their future and how we need to be…

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I’m going to be honest and tell you a story that’s pretty embarrassing to me but I hope it helps you out (don’t laugh at me!). When I was about nineteen years old my car got repoed, yeah that’s right I’m admitting it, I didn’t pay the car note and they took it. The problem was I still had to get to work so what would I do? I had to bike to work everyday. Now understand I mean a bike with pedals that you use your feet to move, not some cool motorcycle, it was quite embarrassing everyday to pedal into our warehouse. It wasn’t a far drive from my house to the warehouse but every morning felt like I was racing in the Tour De France, I would get to the warehouse and needed to take a nap! One morning I was riding like I normally do at…

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“No matter what kind of self-employed business you do, you need to make at least $28 an hour for it to be worth your time.” Kevin Viel If you have worked in a traditional job for any amount of time when you go into business for yourself and receive that first check for your services, it’s going to seem like you hit the lottery. I remember the first check I got when I went on my own and started a business, there’s just a tremendous sense of pride and accomplishment. Then week after week I would get great checks that got bigger and bigger as I did more work and it motivated me to push harder to  build my business. This is how it should be but there were a few things I really didn’t think about and maybe you’re starting out and might miss them as well. It would be…

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I know that this is a work related blog so don’t worry, I’ll tie this post into our work (maybe) HA! This past weekend my best friend got engaged to his girlfriend of two years (YEAH!), and it really got me thinking about him and their relationship and weirdly, work. He has asked me to be the best man, the reason it got me thinking so much is what my speech is going to be about, I thought about what I’m going say and that’s what I’m going to tell you in this post. I’m impatient so I’m not going to be able to wait until June 15, 2013 when he gets married to keep all this inside, so you’re going to get the brunt of it (HA). I watched what my friend went through when him and his wife of six years went through a divorce and how rough the end part of that…

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Everyone at one point or another feels like they have the worst job in the world! Is this how you feel about your job right now? For the longest time I hated my job with a passion, I thought I’d rather work at any other job in the world. Sometimes you just get in a rut and it seems like everything that could go wrong at your job, does go wrong. The bad thing about it is that it keeps piling up week after week, all of the anger from these situations builds up and you get to the point where you just feel like there’s no other option then to leave. This is exactly what happened to me and how I felt about 3 months ago, I can’t say that at this point I love my job, but I can definitely tolerate it. If you are in the stage…

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It’s been easier and harder than I thought on this path to work that I love! Have you ever thought something was going to turn out a certain way and it kinda was in between what you thought? That’s where I find myself right now. I thought long and hard, I even prayed for the answer, and I got it. I discovered that the thing I love to do and the thing that I’m passionate about is writing, more specifically, writing about our work. So with that in mind I did the most naturally thing I could think of with writing, I wrote a book. Book sales have gone well, at least that’s what you would say. For me though, I want to wake up and see that I’ve sold 10,000 (I know it sounds greedy) copies. I have seen that it’s going to be a little bit of a…

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