“No knowledge of self means no spiritual health” Chaka Dillon El What is Moorish Renaissance? Technically speaking, it’s a music Cd that was written to address major issue’s that are being faced with the “Moorish Muslims” today. However, this is more than that, it’s a call to action for the American inter-city and to the African-American people. I dare say that’s it’s even more than that, it’s a call to action to ALL people, calling us out on issue’s that we would rather pretend don’t exist in America today. This is technically a music cd but actually it’s the beginning of a movement to wake people up to the fact that if we’re going to change anything then it starts with us. This movement encourages us to stop talking about all the things we “want” to do and to shut up and start doing them! It talks about our children and their future and how we need to be…
It’s been easier and harder than I thought on this path to work that I love! Have you ever thought something was going to turn out a certain way and it kinda was in between what you thought? That’s where I find myself right now. I thought long and hard, I even prayed for the answer, and I got it. I discovered that the thing I love to do and the thing that I’m passionate about is writing, more specifically, writing about our work. So with that in mind I did the most naturally thing I could think of with writing, I wrote a book. Book sales have gone well, at least that’s what you would say. For me though, I want to wake up and see that I’ve sold 10,000 (I know it sounds greedy) copies. I have seen that it’s going to be a little bit of a…
When we walk we put one foot in front of the other and we move forward, why don’t we apply this system to other things in our life? I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately about making changes in my life. There are many different ways and different opinions but the articles that I’ve found most helpful are the one’s talking about gradual change. If you’re like me you want to change something in your life immediately and do it going cold turkey, this usual ends in failure. You can do this and will probably succeed for a while but if you move to fast chances are you’ll hit a snag and resort back to your old ways. That’s where the idea of gradual change comes in, taking one step at a time. I’m trying this in my life and have been observing a few things: When you change things slowly, the end result seems…
“Remember those who think they’re crazy enough to change the world do” Many are mourning the loss of Steve Jobs right now, the man was a visionary. As I’ve read all the things that are being said about him, I gained even more respect for him. I have an I Phone, an I Pod, I use I Tunes everyday, so I have a deep respect and admiration for Steve Jobs. The thing that has hit me the most about his death is his legacy, there are lines of people who are testifying of the legacy that he left behind. His legacy will carry on well after I’m dead because of what he created will stand the test of time. Here’s the question: What will we say about you after your gone?What will they say about me? When you think about that question, it’s kinda of depressing. I know for me personally I have…